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African & African American Studies: FITV 3648 Course Page

This guide highlights African American Studies resources that are available via the Fordham University Libraries.

Welcome to the FITV 3648 Course Page

 This guide was created for Professor Monk-Payton and the students enrolled in FITV 3648 - Television, Race, and Civil Rights. It contains links to recommended books, databases, and archives. Start your research by downloading the pdf handout. To schedule a consultation with your course librarian, email Use the Ask a Librarian chat service for 24/7 research assistance.

What about Google?

There may be good resources available via the free web, but it is your responsibility to look critically at the sources you choose. If you cannot write a citation for a source, then you may not want to choose it for your paper.  You should be prepared to defend the authority, accuracy, timeliness, and appropriate context of the sources you choose. The Evaluating Websites handout is provided to help you assess the sources you select.


For additional titles, search the Catalog subjects: 

  • "African Americans on television."
  • "Race relations on television."
  • "Racism on television."

Please note some titles may be limited to a single simultaneous user. As well, some titles may have limits on the number of pages that may be printed, emailed, or saved. Often, database specific log in is required to download ebooks.

Contextual and Background Information

Search Tips and Training

Search Tips

  • Use the Advanced Search
  • Check to see if the database has a Thesaurus or Index, and consider using it
  • Enter each separate keyword concept in a different box
  • Select the Boolean/Phrase radio button
  • Use an asterisk * at the end of a word to get variant endings : child* yields child and children
  • Use quotation marks to search for a phrase, two adjacent words in the same order : "cookie monster"
  • Consider using the medium or industry as a subject, or look for a database designed specifically for research in that medium or industry (film, television, news)
  • Consider limiting by date, and using theories, concepts, technologies, geographies, demographics, and regulations as keywords
  • Consider Source Type: Advertisements, Trade Publications, Magazines, Newspapers, Scholarly Journals, Books

Historical News Databases & Document Archives

Databases - Limited Historical Content

Archives With Streaming Television

Streaming Video

Which Database for this Publication?

Search the Library Catalog to determine which database contains the full text of a publication, newspaper, journal, or other periodical.

Screenshot of a periodical title search in the library catalog.

Try searching with the Browse or Exact option (not Keyword):

Screenshot of a periodical record in the library catalog:

Screenshot of the list of databases that provide full text access to that periodical, including dates:


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