Welcome to the Journalism research guide at Fordham University Libraries.
This page covers:
► OneSearch (EBSCO Discovery Service) aggregates books Fordham owns plus some articles from databases. It also includes bibliographic records for content that Fordham does not own.
For optimal viewing, click to open expand the video in full screen mode.
► Understanding Limiters in OneSearch
Beware: these limiters will not always work together and can cancel each other out:
► Not having any luck with OneSearch? Look to the right side of your screen and select the option to continue your search in All ProQuest databases:
Print and electronic reference sources (dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, etc) available at the libraries provide authoritative background information on a wide variety of topics. In some cases, these sources will suggest or link to additional resources for further reading.
Reference & Instruction Department
Fordham University Libraries
Walsh Library ♦ Rose Hill Campus ♦ 718-817-3586
Quinn Library ♦ Lincoln Center Campus ♦ 212-636-6050
Fordham Westchester Library ♦ Fordham Westchester Campus ♦ 914-367-3061
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