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Gabelli Sophomore Consulting Challenge (CCIP): 6 - Investment Research (Investext)

This guide has been created for students enrolled in the Gabelli Sophomore Consulting Challenge course. It is designed to supplement the submission assignment handouts and course blackboard content.

Investext Reports via Mergent Online

Use Mergent Online to access Investext investment banking reports and the most recent SWOT reports.

The Investext tab is only visible BEFORE you enter your company name or ticker.

Image of the initial Mergent Online database page, with a red circle around the Investext tab.

Image of the initial Mergent Online database page, with a red circle around the Investext tab.

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Fordham University Libraries

Walsh Library  ♦  Rose Hill Campus  ♦  718-817-3586   
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Fordham Westchester Library  ♦  Fordham Westchester Campus  ♦  914-367-3061   ♦   text 71-TXTX-1284 ♦ 
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