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Gabelli Sophomore Consulting Challenge (CCIP): 8 - Trade News and Reports

This guide has been created for students enrolled in the Gabelli Sophomore Consulting Challenge course. It is designed to supplement the submission assignment handouts and course blackboard content.

What does "trade news" mean?

What does "trade news" mean?

How is it different from other news?

ABI/INFORM database access

ABI/INFORM search tips

Search your company name 

(leave the default ANYWHERE in the dropdown box)

Limit by DATE!  (Most recent 2 years)

Limit by Source Type:

  • Trade Journals
  • Reports
  • Business News

 Limit by Document Type:

  • Industry Report
  • Market Research
  • Company Profile
  • Interview
  • Statistics/Data

ABI/INFORM Advanced Search

Image of the ABI/INFORM Collection database from ProQuest. The phrase “Victoria’s Secret” is in the top search box, the words inclusive AND (siz* OR design) are in the second search box. The date is limited to 3 months. There are red boxes and arrows explaining how to search: AND tells the database to only find articles with both words, OR tells the database to find articles with either word, use parentheses (  )  with the OR operator, the asterisk * tells the database to find any variant ending of the word.

Image of the ABI/INFORM Collection database from ProQuest. The phrase “Victoria’s Secret” is in the top search box, the words inclusive AND (siz* OR design) are in the second search box. The date is limited to 3 months. There are red boxes and arrows explaining how to search: AND tells the database to only find articles with both words, OR tells the database to find articles with either word, use parentheses (  )  with the OR operator, the asterisk * tells the database to find any variant ending of the word.

ProQuest LibGuide for ABI/INFORM

Click in to the link below to go to a ProQuest research guide about the ABI/INFORM database.

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