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Gabelli Sophomore Consulting Challenge (CCIP): 4 - Company & Industry Analysis (S&P)

This guide has been created for students enrolled in the Gabelli Sophomore Consulting Challenge course. It is designed to supplement the submission assignment handouts and course blackboard content.

Analyzing a Company According to Industry Standards

The ratios, benchmarks, and standards for analyzing a company can vary significantly depending on the industry. As a novice it is impossible to know how the industry operates and how to value the performance of a company within a specific industry without some guidelines. An industry report will articulate industry specific valuations that will enhance your understanding of how your company competitively functions.

S&P Global NetAdvantage Company Analysis

Image of the S&P Global NetAdvantage database, with a red arrow pointing to the search box.

Image of the S&P Global NetAdvantage database, with a red arrow pointing to the search box.

S&P Global NetAdvantage - CFRA Industry Survey

Image of a company profile page in the S&P Global NetAdvantage database, with a red arrow pointing to the left side toolbar, and a box around the Industry Surveys option.

Image of a company profile page in the S&P Global NetAdvantage database, with a red arrow pointing to the left side toolbar, and a box around the Industry Surveys option.

Image of an Industry Survey report in the S&P Global NetAdvantage database, with a red arrow pointing to the most recent report.

Image of an Industry Survey report in the S&P Global NetAdvantage database, with a red arrow pointing to the most recent report.

CFRA Industry Surveys - Table of Contents

CFRA Industry Surveys will teach you how to analyze a company & industry

Image of the Table of Contents of an Industry Overview report from the S&P Global NetAdvantage database.

Image of the Table of Contents of an Industry Overview report from the S&P Global NetAdvantage database.

Activity # 3 : How to Analyze Your Company

Download the Industry Survey that is most relevant for your company.

Review the section titled "How to Analyze a Company in This Industry"

Share your notes with your team.

You do not need to submit this to anyone.


Handouts to Help You Use S&P Global NetAdvantage

Use these handouts to guide your company and industry research in S&P Global NetAdvantage. Compare this to what you found in the Mergent Online database.

S&P Screencast

Here's a screencast on how to use S&P to analyze a company and an industry.

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