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Gabelli Sophomore Consulting Challenge (CCIP): 9 - News Updates (Alerts)

This guide has been created for students enrolled in the Gabelli Sophomore Consulting Challenge course. It is designed to supplement the submission assignment handouts and course blackboard content.

UPDATE with a NEWS Alerts

You can set up an Alert to tell the database to regularly search for news on your company. To set up an alert, first create an account in the database, then follow these directions.

ABI/Inform Alert

Image of the ABI/INFORM database from ProQuest with a red arrow pointing to a icon of a human head, and a red box with text saying "Click on this icon to Create or Sign in to your ProQuest account. Make sure you use your Fordham email address."

Image of the ABI/INFORM database from ProQuest with a red arrow pointing to an icon of a human head, and a red box with text saying "Click on this icon to Create or Sign in to your ProQuest account. Make sure you use your Fordham email address."

Image of the ABI/INFORM database from ProQuest with a red arrow pointing to the words Save search/alert and a Red box telling the researcher to click on those words.

Image of the ABI/INFORM database from ProQuest with a red arrow pointing to the words Save search/alert and a Red box telling the researcher to click on those words.

Business Source Complete Alert

Image of the Business Source Complete database from EBSCO with the search term Crocs in the search box. There is a green arrow pointing to the words Sign In in the top tool bar, and a green box with the text First Sign In inside. There is another green arrow pointing to the words Create Alert under the Search icon, and another green box with the words Then click on the words Create Alert inside.

Image of the Business Source Complete database from EBSCO with the search term Crocs in the search box. There is a green arrow pointing to the words Sign In in the top toolbar and a green box with the text First Sign In inside. There is another green arrow pointing to the words Create Alert under the Search icon, and another green box with the words Then click on the words Create Alert inside.

Screencast on how to set up alerts.

Here are screencasts showing you how to set up an alert in some of our databases

  • ABI/Inform
  • Business Source Complete

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