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Communication & Media Studies: Articles & Databases

The field of communication is defined as the theories and techniques used to convey meaning to others. It includes film, television, radio, journalism, advertising, public relations, digital design, semiotics, linguistics, social media, and more.

Finding Articles in Databases

Library databases may contain a combination of peer-reviewed articles as well as reports, book or film reviews, opinion pieces, datasets, images, videos, archival content, and more. This page highlights resources for finding scholarly articles within databases.

  • Looking for film reviews or articles from newspapers or magazines? Try the resources on the News & Magazines page.

question mark  If you are unsure about how to find something you need, feel free to Ask a Librarian to point you in the right direction.

Communications Research Databases

Multidisciplinary Databases

Full Database List

Not finding what you are looking for?

Check out our A-Z List of Database. 

Selected Electronic Journals

The library may own one journal in multiple formats (electronic, print, and microform).  For a more comprehensive list of our journal holdings, please search the library catalog.

Selected Journals in Communication & Media Studies

Find Library Access to a specific publication

Search the Library Catalog to determine if the library provides access to a periodical.

From the Library Homepage and click on the library catalog tab. This will bring you to the new Enterprise Catalog.

Image of the Fordham Library Homepage with an arrow pointing to the Library Catalog Tab


In the Enterprise Catalog, type the periodical name in the search box and select the Periodical Title option in the All Fields box:

Screenshot of a Periodical Title search in the library's Enterprise Catalog


A list of catalog items will be provided. Find your publication name and click on the title to see the full record. The Enterprise catalog provides a link to full-text listings and a permalink that you may save to return to this source in the future (the permalink is how you should save this record; do not copy the address in your browser toolbar).

Screenshot of the periodical listing in the Enterprise catalog with arrows pointing to the publication title, the full-text link, and the permalink.

Reference & Instruction Department

Reference & Instruction Department
Fordham University Libraries

Walsh Library  ♦  Rose Hill Campus  ♦  718-817-3586   
Quinn Library  ♦  Lincoln Center Campus  ♦  212-636-6050   
Fordham Westchester Library  ♦  Fordham Westchester Campus  ♦  914-367-3061   ♦   text 71-TXTX-1284 ♦ 
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