This page covers how to find books and articles covering law and legislation for non-Law students.
► If you are a student enrolled at Fordham University School of Law, please consult the resources at The Maloney Library.
► OneSearch (EBSCO Discovery Service) aggregates books Fordham owns plus some articles from databases. It also includes bibliographic records for content that Fordham does not own.
► Understanding Limiters in OneSearch
Beware: these limiters will not always work together and can cancel each other out:
► Not having any luck with OneSearch? Look to the right side of your screen and select the option to continue your search in All ProQuest databases:
Provides full text for hundreds of journals and indexing and abstracts for thousands. Also features hundreds of full-text reference books and monographs, and conference papers, including those of the International Political Science Association.
Depending on your research questions relating to law and/or legislation, the following guides may be helpful in locating additional secondary sources:
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