This page offers an overview of resources to help find a range of articles or reports. Explore other research guides, the Database list, and other open access resources for additional options.
Anything marked with an open lock is open access i.e. the resources are accessible to all without a Fordham login.
► Find additional databases covering peer-reviewed scholarship in the social sciences on the Database list or other research guides.
► Unsure about how to find and identify evidence-based research or empirical research? Check the resources on the Literature Reviews guide.
Databases with a mixture of content types:
Reports & Policy Research
To search across multiple publications at once on a particular topic, try a database like OneSearch on the library home page or subject-specific library databases on this page or through the Database list.
To search for specific articles from a citation or a specific publication, search by publication name through the E-Journals tab on the library homepage.
To search for articles by DOI, go to the E-Journals tab and enter the string of numbers & letters in the DOI/PMID search box:
Full-text access to thousands of peer-reviewed journals covering all topics.
NOTE: Some content may not be freely available.
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