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Fake News: Fake News

Understanding the Fake News Ecosystem

Fake News and Critical Media Literacy

Misinformation and deception are nothing new, but each generation faces challenges in evaluating new forms of media for facts and accuracy. Internet sources, particularly social media, can be especially challenging.

The Library of Congress categorizes fake news as 

news stories, disinformation, and hoaxes published online, often through social media, that are deliberately written to attract and mislead readers by exploiting entrenched biases

As consumers of online media, we can combat fake news through close reading and critical analysis.

Finding Books

Click on the Classic Library Catalog tab to search for books within Fordham University Libraries.

Suggested searches:

Fake news
Social media
Online manipulation
Deception - social aspects
Truthfulness and falsehood

Selected Books

Suggested Databases for Articles

Suggested Databases for Background Information

Please feel free to share this guide with others. Librarians are welcome to use this guide and its contents for educational purposes.

Some content has been adapted from the Indiana University East Fake News LibGuide.

Last updated 12/07/2023.

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