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Fake News: Reputable Journalism

Understanding the Fake News Ecosystem

Authority is Contextual

Many news articles and information sources will contain a point of view. Information consumers should read with an open and critical mind. 

Selection of Generally Trustworthy Sources for News & Information

Domestic News Sources

Official US government sources:

Independent news outlets:

  • AP News - Not-for-profit news cooperative covering worldwide breaking news and investigative reporting
  • C-SPAN - Coverage of unedited political and non-political public policy events, interviews and historical programs
  • Reuters - Reuters' editorial policy states: "We are committed to reporting the facts and in all situations avoid the use of emotive terms. The only exception is when we are quoting someone directly or in indirect speech."

Selection of International News Sources

Newspaper Databases at Fordham University Libraries

Databases Highlighting Multiple Perspectives

Reputable Polling Data

Fake News on Legitimate News Websites

Screenshot of the phrase sponsored stories, indicating the articles are advertisements


Recognizing the difference between news reporting and paid content by advertisers is key to challenging fake news. Check to see if content is marked as promoted, sponsored, or as an advertisement.

Sign saying Do Not Click

Outfox advertisers and their algorithms by simply refusing to click.

Maheshwari, Sapna, and John Herrman. "Publishers are Rethinking those ‘Around the Web’ Ads." New York Times, Oct 30 2016,

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