NORLA, Norwegian Literature Abroad, Fiction and Non-Fiction is a government-funded, non-profit organization which promotes Norwegian literature abroad. Nearly 3000 books by Norwegian authors have been published in 60 languages with translation subsidies and grants from NORLA since 1978. NORLA also provides information about new Norwegian literary works and Norwegian Literature events around the world.
Icelandic writer Sjón discusses "modern folk tales and shifting Icelandic identity, and asks: 'Who wants to be a music-loving elf for ever?'" (The Guardian)
WorldCat is the global catalog of library collections containing over 46 million records from libraries in over 65 countries. You can make an InterLibrary Loan request directly from the WorldCat entry for material that Fordham does not own.
Google Scholar indexes the full text of a wide array of scholarly literature across many disciplines. Use Advanced Search for more refined results.
The Norwegian author discusses the latest edition of his multi-volume autobiography, My Struggle on Live From the New York Public Library.
Works by Karl Ove Knausgård at Fordham University Libraries:
My Struggle - PT8951.21.N38 M5613 2012 - 2 copies available at Lincoln Center and Rose Hill
My Struggle. Book two: A man in love - PT8951.21.N38 M5613 2013 - 2 copies available at Lincoln Center and Rose Hill
My Struggle. Book three: Boyhood - PT8951.21.N38 M5613 2014B - 2 copies available at Lincoln Center and Rose Hill
My Struggle. Book four - PT8951.21.N38 M5613 2015B - 2 copies available at Lincoln Center and Rose Hill
Norwegian author Per Petterson, author of I Refuse, Out Stealing Horses, I Curse the River of Time, It’s Fine By Me, In the Wake and To Siberia in conversation with Paul Holdengräber on Live from the New York Public Library.
Works by Per Petterson at Fordham University Libraries:
I Refuse
PT8951.26.E88 I2613 2015 - 2 copies available at Lincoln Center and Rose Hill
Out Stealing Horses
PT8951.26.E88 O9813 2007 - 2 copies available at Lincoln Center and Rose Hill
I Curse the River of Time
PT8951.26.E88 J4413 2010 - 1 copy available at Rose Hill
To Siberia
PT8951.26.E88 T5513 2008 - 1 copy available at Lincoln Center
PT8951.26.E88 T5513 1998 - 1 copy available at Rose Hill
In the Wake
PT8951.26.E88 I5613 2006 - 1 copy available at Lincoln Center
PT8951.26.E88 I5613 2002 - 1 copy available at Rose Hill
Kjersti Skomsvold reads a passage from The Faster I Walk, The Smaller I Am at Cúirt International Literature Festival
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