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History (Countries and Regions of the World): Home

Primary Sources

Primary sources are original records created during the time under study. Since they were created at that time they offer an inside first-hand view of a particular event unfiltered by interpretation or evaluation.

Some examples:

     Letters                 Manuscripts
     Newspapers         Memoirs
     Interviews            Speeches
     Photographs         Diaries 

Scholarly vs Popular Periodicals

If you have questions, please contact your Professor or a Fordham Reference Librarian

The video below was created by Vanderbilt University, Peabody Library

Determining Impact

How to Read a Scholarly Journal Article

If you have questions, please contact your Professor or a Fordham Reference Librarian

This video was created by the Kishwaukee College Library

What is a Literature Review?

If you have questions, please contact your Professor or a Fordham Reference Librarian

 Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate Students created by  North Carolina State University Libraries


17th century map of the world.

Recent books


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Jeannie Hoag
Rose Hill Campus
Walsh Family Library, Room 127
Social: YouTube Page


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Peter Patten
Walsh Library Room 131
Rose Hill Campus
718 817 3588

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