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Social Services: Finding Books

Welcome to my Guide to electronic, print, and video resources on the study and practice of social work.

Dorothy Day, 1897-1980



Fordham Library Catalog

Search catalog for books, ebooks, periodicals, government documents, videos, maps etc. held by Fordham at all campuses.

Placing a Hold on a Fordham Book

You may place a book on hold to have it delivered to another Fordham campus.

Electronic Books & Journals

Citation Linker

If you know in advance that the book or periodical of interest to you is an online resource at Fordham Libraries, you may access it via this portal. If in doubt, ask a librarian.


E-books in Sociology and Social Policy

Accessing E-books

  • Locate the e-book in your results; the notation will say [electronic resource] within or at the end of the title.
  • Click on the small, blue letters URL or the actual url to open the e-book in the Item Information section of the record.
  • Log off as soon as you are finished; many e-books accommodate only one user at a time. 

Google Books

Google Books contains over 15 million scanned books.  Books can be viewed in 1 of 4 ways depending on their status: full text pdf for books out of copyright or with publisher's permission; limited preview of pages (sometimes quite extensive); snippet (a few sentences that include your search terms); or no preview.  Bibliographic information is provided for each book including links to reviews, author info, web references, and related books.

Use Advanced Search for best results.  Try it!

Google Book Search

Some pertinent Library of Congress Subject Headings

AIDS (Disease) Social aspects


Evidence-based social work

Family social work


Public welfare United States

Social service

Social service--Moral and ethical aspects

Social service Research

Social service--Vocational guidance

Social work administration

Social work education

Social work with children

Social work with juvenile delinquents

Social work with older people

Substance abuse--treatment

Veterans mental health services

Need Materials from Outside Fordham?

Cannot find items you need for your research?

  • Materials not owned by Fordham can be requested through Interlibrary Loan.
  • Consortia privileges provide you with additional access to other research collections* beyond Fordham’s holdings.

    *Check with the library you intend to visit to be sure that in-person access is available at this time. 

Suggest a Library Acquisition

If there's a title in your field of research or pedagogy which the Library does not currently own, you may place an order for it here, through: 

     Order a Book

If a requested title is available either in print or electronically, there's a good chance we can get it--and we'll notify you when it's here.

Reference & Instruction Department

Reference & Instruction Department
Fordham University Libraries

Walsh Library  ♦  Rose Hill Campus  ♦  718-817-3586   
Quinn Library  ♦  Lincoln Center Campus  ♦  212-636-6050   
Fordham Westchester Library  ♦  Fordham Westchester Campus  ♦  914-367-3061   ♦   text 71-TXTX-1284 ♦ 
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