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A mix of UNLIMITED and LIMITED simultaneous books representing a broad range of academic subject matter. Includes over 2,500 Open Access books.
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Includes 100+ e-books from hundreds of international researchers. Titles include multidisciplinary DEI research that span across 11 major subject areas, including business, education, computer science, government, and social sciences.
Fifteen ebooks span diverse topics, including suicide, panic disorders, LGBT psychology, socializing, deconstructing stigmas, the influence of race and culture, and more. Offers students help, guidance, and resources during their most vulnerable moments. Reference anytime, anywhere, and on any device. International and ESL students will benefit from translation in nearly 40 languages.
A collection of twenty-niine eBooks to encourage learning and research in systemic racism, social injustice, and anti-racism. Encompasses subject areas in race and ethnic relations, anthropology, politics, journalism, ethnic and women’s studies, Black studies and policing.
Google Books contains over 15 million scanned books. Books can be viewed in 1 of 4 ways depending on their status: full text pdf for books out of copyright or with publisher's permission; limited preview of pages (sometimes quite extensive); snippet (a few sentences that include your search terms); or no preview. Bibliographic information is provided for each book including links to reviews, author info, web references, and related books.
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AIDS (Disease) Social aspects
Evidence-based social work
Family social work
Public welfare United States
Social service
Social service--Moral and ethical aspects
Social service Research
Social service--Vocational guidance
Social work administration
Social work education
Social work with children
Social work with juvenile delinquents
Social work with older people
Substance abuse--treatment
Veterans mental health services
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