Comprehensive database on international development finance and foreign aid, accompanied by a variety of innovative web-based applications for data analysis.
World's largest archive of digital social science data. Logging into or creating an ICPSR account, also called a Researcher Passport, allows you to download data, upload data, or view account stats. To make an account, click the Log In Button (upper right), select "Sign in with your email" and you will see "Sign in to your account". Under the button, select “set up a new account.” Do NOT use the Institutional Access. Use your Fordham email. If you need access to restricted-use data, Accessing Restricted Data at ICPSR.
Comprehensive collection and summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. Data is downloadable to MS Excel.
Reports of polls on hundreds of topics. A button at the bottom of every record invites users to "Graph This Question." Clicking the button exports the question to an Excel worksheet.
The US government's official web portal and search engine for federal, state and local government web sites, interagency searching, and directories. Less research oriented, the site is good for popular & timely information and services such as registering to vote, obtaining passports, jobs & unemployment, emergency services and more.
Largest online archive of public opinion. Database includes access to thousands of survey questions and datasets generated since the 1930's. Create a personal account for customization. Maximum download is 500 iPOLL questions at once. PLEASE READ USER RESPONSIBILITIES BEFORE USING THIS DATABASE.
User Responsibilities. Data obtained via the Services remain the property of the copyright holder and may not be resold or re-disseminated by any Member Institution or User. The Member Institution and the Authorized Users may access or use the Services and Data only in ways that are consistent with US Copyright Law. All users shall make reasonable efforts to ensure the following:
A. Neither the Member Institution nor Users may re-disseminate any Roper Center
documentation or data obtained from the Roper Center outside of the Member Institution. However, researchers who are actively collaborating with individuals at non-member institutions may provide a copy of relevant data sets to their collaborators solely for their private use in connection with and for the duration of the project, after which they will return or destroy such material. Researchers are advised to obtain a written agreement from such collaborators to abide by the foregoing requirements.
B. The User may not use any pages, parts of pages or downloadable files available on the Site or available through the Services to create or store in electronic form any shared library or archive of information which could be used as a research application and, by way of example and not limitation, is specifically prohibited from (directly, indirectly or through the use of any software program) creating a databank or database in electronic or structured manual form containing such information.
C. Neither Roper Center data nor any tool or other application that works with such data may be placed on any web site without prior express written permission, which the Roper Center may grant, deny or condition in its sole discretion. If such permission is granted, any access to such data will be permitted only if access is restricted to Users of the web site who have executed agreements with the Roper Center about use of the data. If the Member Institution ceases to be a member of the Roper Center, individual users may keep copies of data obtained during the membership period, but the data must be removed from web sites or data libraries and cannot be further re-disseminated within the Member Institution.
D. Users may create aggregated analyses, compilations or derivative works using data available from the Roper Center for their own scholarly research and teaching purposes, but may not use any of the data to develop a database, database service (online or otherwise), automated data or text mining applications, or other information resource in any medium (print, electronic or otherwise, now existing or developed in the future) for use by others. Authorized Users who create such derivative works, subsets of data or applications and wish to share access should contact the Roper Center to archive their materials with the Center to make them available to the research community. The Roper Center may agree or decline to do so in its sole discretion.
E. Users may present findings and results of analysis of Roper Center data in reports and publications. However, they may not offer direct or indirect access to the Services or any other Roper Center Service; for example, they may not use the Services for the benefit of any third party, including without limitation, in an outsourcing or timesharing arrangement or offer to conduct searches or provide access to data. Results from database searches may be reproduced for teaching purposes within member institutions provided access is restricted to members of the institution.
F. No part of the Roper web site or the Services, including logos or icons may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in any web site, nor may any of its pages or parts thereof be disseminated in any electronic retrieval system or service without prior written permission, which the Roper Center may grant, deny or condition in its sole discretion.
G. Users are expected to download reasonable amounts of data for their research purposes; excessive downloads that, in the sole judgment of the Roper Center, may compromise the integrity of the archives will be investigated and may result in immediate termination of access. At Roper Center’s sole discretion, access will be reinstated within a reasonable period of time once all issues and concerns have been addressed and remedied.
H. Users are to properly cite the original survey and acknowledge the Roper Center as the distributor of the data. This condition applies to information obtained from the Services.
I. Users cannot use, copy or otherwise access any restricted-access portion of the web site, the Services or any content or materials contained in any such area of the Services that have not been licensed and invoiced by the Roper Center.
J. If for any reason, a user gains unauthorized access to Roper Center Data or Materials then these terms and conditions nonetheless apply. In addition to any other rights and remedies available to the Roper Center, the user shall immediately upon notification terminate the practice and pay all applicable charges. In no event shall such compliance or payment authorize such user’s access.
K. Should an authorized user permit an unauthorized user to access any content or materials to which they have not been licensed, except as specifically permitted herein, the authorized user will be in breach of these terms and may be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to loss of access and payment of any applicable charges. Additionally, the user’s Member Institution will be notified and will take commercially reasonable efforts to assist to correct the situation as outlined in the Membership Agreement.
L. Users are responsible for protecting the privacy and confidentiality of respondents. If Users discover the identity of any individual or organization, they may not use or deliver the information to any third party and shall report such identifiable information to the Roper Center immediately.
V. Copyright. Users do not have any claim or rights to any intellectual property or exclusive ownership to any of the data obtained through the Roper Center, modified or unmodified. All data are property of the individual survey organizations which comprise the copyright holders.
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