Millions of entries from notable subject encyclopedias, handbooks, guides, companions and readers covering over 80 major subject disciplines and more than 6 million research concepts. Access to more than 1,000 videos and animations, and 500,000 contextual visual aids, images, photographs and maps.
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Online access to encyclopedias, reference works, and other ebooks covering a wide range of topics. Includes Scribners Writers and Twaynes Authors titles.
Full text of scholarly and professional books and chapters published by APA and other publishers. Includes Encyclopedia of Psychology and all volumes of the APA Handbooks in Psychology Series. On EBSCOhost platform. All PsycBooks have UNLIMITED user access.
Partnership of major research institutions and libraries creating digital archive of library materials. Full text access only to the portion of the archive comprising public domain works, indicated by "Full View". Not completely Open Access. Downloading or printing depends on each title's copyright status. Click into each title to see entitlements on the left sidebar.
Over 300 dictionaries, encyclopedias and subject reference books published by Oxford University Press. Limited to 5 Simultaneous Users.
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