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New York - Researching: The Bronx

Provides an overview of resources for researching New York City and the State of New York.

Researching The Bronx

This page holds a selection of resources that are specific to The Bronx.

For more in depth assistance with researching the Bronx, contact Tierney Gleason at

Selection of Books on The Bronx

decorative  Always be sure to check the library catalog for additional options.

Bronx Data

Redlining in The Bronx

Image credit: Snippet of 1938 Home Owners' Loan Corporation Map of The Bronx via Mapping Inequality: Redlining New Deal America

Selection of Books on Bronx History

Environment & Archaeology

Bronx County Historical Society Resources

At Fordham Libraries:

On the Bronx County Historical Society website:

Oral History Resources


Reference & Instruction Department

Reference & Instruction Department
Fordham University Libraries

Walsh Library  ♦  Rose Hill Campus  ♦  718-817-3586   
Quinn Library  ♦  Lincoln Center Campus  ♦  212-636-6050   
Fordham Westchester Library  ♦  Fordham Westchester Campus  ♦  914-367-3061   ♦   text 71-TXTX-1284 ♦ 
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