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New York - Researching: Local Government & Neighborhoods

Provides an overview of resources for researching New York City and the State of New York.

New to living in New York City? This page will help you understand your neighborhood and its relationship to city and state government.

City Government Information

Researching NYC Neighborhoods

► For more information about your neighborhood, check out the Demographics & Data tab.

NYC 311

► See NYC Open Data for datasets with 311 information.

Community Boards & Neighborhoods

Map of the Bronx divided by Community Districts

Image credit: NYCdata and Baruch College.

[Image description: Map of the Bronx divided into (12) Community Districts.]

Buildings, Deeds & Land Use

Directories by Subscription

Reference & Instruction Department

Reference & Instruction Department
Fordham University Libraries

Walsh Library  ♦  Rose Hill Campus  ♦  718-817-3586   
Quinn Library  ♦  Lincoln Center Campus  ♦  212-636-6050   
Fordham Westchester Library  ♦  Fordham Westchester Campus  ♦  914-367-3061   ♦   text 71-TXTX-1284 ♦ 
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