There are multiple ways to find books at Fordham. This page contains information about searching along with links WorldCat and library services.
► OneSearch (EBSCO Discovery Service) aggregates books Fordham owns plus some articles from databases. It also includes bibliographic records for content that Fordham does not own.
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► Understanding Limiters in OneSearch
Beware: these limiters will not always work together and can cancel each other out:
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Find items outside of Fordham with WorldCat / OCLC FirstSearch, a platform searching across the largest network of library collections around the world.
Borrowing books or accessing articles that are not available at any of the Fordham University Libraries requires assistance from Interlibrary Loan.
The list below contains suggestions to search for books using Library of Congress Subject Headings:
African American women.
Body image in women.
Feminism--United States.
Feminism and literature.
Feminist literary criticism.
Feminist theology.
Feminist theory.
Gay and lesbian studies.
Gender identity.
Gender identity in literature.
Homophobia--United States--History.
Homosexuality and literature.
Human reproduction--Law and legislation--United States.
Intimate partner violence.
Lesbians--United States--Biography.
Men's studies.
Motherhood--United States.
Queer theory.
Reproductive rights--United States.
Reproductive health--United States.
Sex discrimination--United States.
Sex in literature.
Sex in popular culture.
Sex role.
Sex role in the work environment--United States.
Sex--Social aspects.
Sexual orientation--United States.
Transgender people.
Women and literature.
Women in development.
Women--Economic conditions.
Women--Health and hygiene.
Women--Political activity--United States.
Women--Social conditions.
Women--United States.
Women's studies.
Women's rights--United States.
Women--Violence against.
*This list is not definitive. Be sure to search the catalog for other options.
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