Hover over the Articles page at the top to find the "Databases" page which explains how to obtain articles and provides a list of music databases.
Cannot find items you need for your research?
*Check with the library you intend to visit to be sure that in-person access is available at this time.
Document Delivery Service
The Document Delivery Service allows Fordham University faculty and graduate students to obtain email delivery of journal articles not available electronically through the Fordham databases but which are available in print in the library.
This service was established to allow faculty, and now students, to request and receive research materials with proper copyright clearance via their Fordham email accounts.
Reference & Instruction Department
Fordham University Libraries
Walsh Library ♦ Rose Hill Campus ♦ 718-817-3586
Quinn Library ♦ Lincoln Center Campus ♦ 212-636-6050
Fordham Westchester Library ♦ Fordham Westchester Campus ♦ 914-367-3061
library@fordham.edu ♦ text 71-TXTX-1284 ♦ Ask a Librarian (Chat)