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Medicine & Health: Databases & Recommended Resources

Resources for research and study in medical subjects.

Medicine Databases

Online Medicine Resources

Multi-Disciplinary Databases

Search Tips and Training

General Search Tips

  • Use keywords or phrases, not sentences, and put any phrases you want to keep together in quotation marks. 
  • Use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to separate your keywords and phrases. 
  • Use an asterisk (*) at the end of word roots to truncate your words and get varied endings (e.g., biolog* would yield biology, biologists, biological)
  • Limit your results by date, source type, journal, or other applicable filters.

Controlled Vocabularies and Database-Specific Tips

Many library databases use their own indices or thesauri to create a controlled vocabulary for searching. Controlled vocabularies are the specific terms used to organize materials in a particular database. To get the best search results possible from a science database, you may need to use a mixture of your natural language and the correct controlled vocabulary.

Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)

MeSH terms are indexed in PubMed. See these tutorials and guides for information on how to use MeSH. 


See these tutorials and guides for information on how to search within Scopus.