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Chinese American History: Finding Books

An overview of resources on Chinese American History at Fordham University Libraries and beyond.

Finding Books

This page offers resources on how to find books at Fordham through:

  • Video tutorials for searching the Classic Library Catalog or OneSearch;
  • How to search by Library of Congress subject heading;
  • How to request books or book chapters from books that Fordham does not own through InterLibrary Loan;
  • How to request a scan of a book chapter from a print book that Fordham owns through the Document Delivery service;
  • A database link to OCLC FirstSearch, the subscription version of WorldCat, to search for books beyond Fordham.

Finding Books (and articles) with OneSearch

► OneSearch (EBSCO Discovery Service) aggregates books Fordham owns plus some articles from databasesIt also includes bibliographic records for content that Fordham does not own.

Understanding Limiters in OneSearch

  • Limiters are the options on the left that allow users to limit their search by specific criteria.
  • This box focuses on the options to limit to Full Text, Catalog Only, and Academic (Peer-Reviewed) Journals.



  • Selecting Catalog Only shows print and electronic books plus journal titles by subscription (not articles).
    • Use the Library Catalog to search for the most recent books and journals acquired by Fordham Libraries. (There can be a delay between the catalog and OneSearch.)
  • Checking Full Text limits to electronic books and articles Fordham owns or subscribes to that are available through EBSCO Discovery Service; it will suppress records for print items.
  • Checking Academic (Peer-Reviewed) Journals will limit article results to electronic items from peer review journals only; it will suppress records from print and electronic books (even if those books went through peer review).

Beware: these limiters will not always work together and can cancel each other out:

  • Catalog Only will not work if Full Text or Academic (Peer-Reviewed) Journals is checked.
  • Full Text can be checked at the same time as Academic (Peer-Reviewed) Journals.

► Not having any luck with OneSearch? Look to the right side of your screen and select the option to continue your search in All ProQuest databases:

Screenshot showing options to continue search in ProQuest All Databases.

Library Catalogs

► Library Catalog

The new Library Catalog is still being refined. Follow these steps to target your search within the catalog:

Step #1: Select Library Catalog from the dropdown menu.



Step #2: Select the field you would like to search in the library catalog.



Step #3: Enter your keywords and press Search.

Additional search tips:

  • If the font is too small or the blue & maroon colors are difficult to read, select Advanced Search option.


Classic Library Catalog

Find the Classic Library Catalog by pulling down the Collections menu > Classic Library Catalog:


Searching with Subject Headings

Copy and paste the Library of Congress Subject Headings below to find books on Chinese American history topics:

  • Chinese Americans--Biography
  • Chinese Americans--Ethnic identity
  • Chinese Americans--History
  • Chinese--United States--Social conditions
  • Chinatown (New York, N.Y.)  {substitute other city names for other Chinatowns.}
  • United States--Foreign relations--China
  • China--Foreign relations--United States


► You can use these subject headings in OneSearch by using the field options to select SU Subject Terms:


► Or you can search by subject in one of the library catalogs:


Library Services & WorldCat

Reference & Instruction Department

Reference & Instruction Department
Fordham University Libraries

Walsh Library  ♦  Rose Hill Campus  ♦  718-817-3586   
Quinn Library  ♦  Lincoln Center Campus  ♦  212-636-6050   
Fordham Westchester Library  ♦  Fordham Westchester Campus  ♦  914-367-3061   ♦   text 71-TXTX-1284 ♦ 
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