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Languages and Cultures: Finding Books

Literature and French, Italian, German, and Spanish Language Sources at Fordham Libraries; Librarian Jeannie Hoag, Editor.

Finding Books

The most efficient way to find books and e-books is through the Library Catalog.  

This article from Fordham Library News explains how to get started using the Library Catalog.

When you find a book that looks interesting, click on the catalog record to see associated Library of Congress Subject Headings. Clicking on the subject heading links can help you find similar books.

Library catalog record with Subject Terms circled.

Looking for ebooks only? Select the "electronic only" option in the catalog.

Library catalog search results with Electronic Only selected.

Call Numbers for Modern Languages

Want to browse for books in the library? Fordham University Libraries organizes books using the Library of Congress Classification System. 

Below are general call number ranges for the modern languages offered at Fordham University. For a more detailed breakdown, look at the Library of Congress Classification Outline

Call number ranges for languages

PJ 6001 - 8517 (General)
PJ 6073 - 7144 (Language)
PJ 7501 - 8517  (Literature)

PC 2001 - 3761 (Language)
PQ 1 - 3999 (Literature)

PF 3001 - 5999 (Language)
PT 1 - 4897 (Literature)

PC 1001 - 1977 (Language)
PQ 4001 - 5999 (Literature)

Mandarin Chinese
PL 1001 - 3208 (General)
PL 1001 - 1960 (Language)
PL 2250 - 3208 (Literature)

PG 2001 - 2826 (Language) 
PG 2900 - 3698 (Literature) 

PC 5001 - 5498 (Language)
PQ 6001 - 8929 (Literature)

For more information on Library of Congress Call Numbers, see the LC Call Numbers handout available in the Reference Help research guide.

Reference & Instruction Department

Reference & Instruction Department
Fordham University Libraries

Walsh Library  ♦  Rose Hill Campus  ♦  718-817-3586   
Quinn Library  ♦  Lincoln Center Campus  ♦  212-636-6050   
Fordham Westchester Library  ♦  Fordham Westchester Campus  ♦  914-367-3061   ♦   text 71-TXTX-1284 ♦ 
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