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Digital Humanities: Project Planning & Data Management

Provides an overview of selected Digital Humanities tools and resources available through Fordham University Libraries.

Proper understanding of digital scholarship requires an acknowledgement of its entropic nature; the absence of forward planning implies a misunderstanding of the object being produced at a fundamental – perhaps ontological – level."

James Smithies, Carina Westling, Anna-Maria Sichani, Pam Mellen, and Arianna Ciula. "Managing 100 Digital Humanities Projects: Digital Scholarship & Archiving in King's Digital Lab." DHQ: Digital Humanities Quarterly 13, no. 1 (2019).

Project Planning Tools & Tips

The following resources can be used to help research and scope out what might be needed to development and sustain a DH project.

Project Charters & Collaboration

Project charters or agreements in DH are used to set goals, manage expectations, allocate resources, and credit contributions from collaborators.  

Funding & Research Data Management Plans

Data management plans (DMPs) are often required when applying for grants to support large-scale DH projects. The links below are open access templates that will guide you through writing a data management plan.

Funding for Projects

Copyright Advisories

Workshop Slides from Fordham Libraries

Documenting DH Data & Archiving Projects

Below is a selection of resources that guide researchers to document their project data for archiving & preservation in a digital repository.

If you are using a third party application to visualize data you have curated, the dataset you have created is the most important asset of your DH scholarship.

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