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Philosophy: Finding Books

A Guide to Fordham University library resources in Philosophy

Selected recent titles on varied topics

Fordham Library Catalog

Search our Catalog for books, ebooks, periodicals, even government documents held by Fordham at all campuses.


Examples of Philosophy Categories useful for broad subject searching (Suggestion: Try "Subject" rather than "Keyword"):

Practical Theology
Psychology, Parapsychology, Occult Sciences
Speculative Philosophy

 Note For Sources on Individual Philosophers, search, e.g.:

Kant, Immanuel
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Nozick, Robert


Tip: Your first search attempt may net you unsatisfatory results.  If so, you may increase your results by searching any philosophy-related term such as "utilitarian," "existential" or "Plato" as keyword or title.  On the results page, you may then limit further by selecting any of the Categories listed.


Ebook Collections


WorldCat is the global catalog of library collections containing over 46 million records from libraries in over 65 countries.  You can make an InterLibrary Loan request directly from the WorldCat entry for material that Fordham does not own.

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Subject Guide

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Peter Patten
Walsh Library Room 131
Rose Hill Campus
718 817 3588

Fordham Scholarship in Philosophy

Google Books

Google Books contains over 15 millions scanned books.  Books can be viewed in 1 of 4 ways depending on their status: full text pdf for books out of copyright or with publisher's permission; limited preview of pages (sometimes quite extensive); snippet (a few sentences that include your search terms); or no preview.  Bibliographic information is provided for each book including links to reviews, author info, web references, and related books.

Use Advanced Search for best results.  Try it!

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