Members of the following groups have access privileges to the Fordham University Libraries (outside of the restricted access dates) with presentation of current academic year school ID with photo:
Access to the libraries for all of the preceding is dependent upon the presentation of valid I.D.
and adherence at all times to the policies of the Fordham University Libraries and Fordham University.
Members of the following groups have borrowing privileges at the Fordham University Libraries
with presentation of current academic year school ID with photo and noted other requirements:
All others requesting access must complete the University Libraries’ Research Request Form to be considered for temporary and limited access during periods of time that fall outside our restricted access dates.
Guest access is granted only for visiting scholars and researchers outside our library associations, provided that they have a demonstrated need for our collection and research resources. References to resources in the Fordham Library Catalog are required for each research request application.
Access is not granted for any use other than research purposes, including individual or collaborative study spaces.
Disclaimer: Each application will be reviewed to ensure the request criteria match the strengths of our collection compared to other area library collections.
Rose Hill Campus, Bronx, NY
Lincoln Center Campus, New York, NY
Westchester Campus, West Harrison, NY
Circulation & Reserve Departments
Fordham University Libraries
Walsh Library ♦ Rose Hill Campus ♦ 718-817-5109 ♦ 718-817-3578
Quinn Library ♦ Lincoln Center Campus ♦ 212-636-6062 ♦ 212-636-6061
Fordham Westchester Library ♦ Fordham Westchester Campus ♦ 914-367-3060 ♦ 914-367-3061 ♦ ♦