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Education : Databases/Articles

Resources on Education topics for research, lesson plans, school administration, bilingual education, and counseling services.

Best Databases


The following icons are used in the databases lists:

Limited simultaneous users. Limited simultaneous users.
Separate password required Password required.
Contains open access content.Open access content.
Contains multimedia content such as music or video.Contains multimedia content such as music or video.

Contains statistical data. Contains statistics / data.

Use Library of Congress Sub-Divisions

Using Library of Congress sub-divisions can lead to more precise searching. Here are some examples for Education:

*Best All-Around

--Study and teaching   "If you could have only one subdivision for education topics --Study and teaching would be it because it serves both people wanting to learn a subject and people wanting to teach a subject. Use this terminology instead of the expected "teaching methods." EX: foreign language -- study and teaching

--Instruction and study

--Education  "Refers to works on education provided for groups of people."

--Knowledge and learning   "Used to describe the education, formal or informal, that an individual receives"

--In-service training

--Training of   "For methods of instructing occupational groups 'to prepare them for employment'


--Problems, exercises   "'Compilations of practice problems or exercises'"

--Activity programs


--Curricula  "What to teach and plans for teaching it"


--Evaluation   "Used to cover both the methods of assessment and the results themselves"


--Ability testing

--Intelligence testing

--Psychological testing


SCHOOLS (All levels)



--Entrance examinations

--Entrance requirements




--Security measures



--Graduate students

--Alumni and alumnae

 * From the book Magic search: Getting the best results from your catalog and beyond/Kornegay, R.S. et al. (2009). Chicago: American Library Association.

For more reading about Library of Congress sub-divisions in searching, read Magic search (REF Z695.Z8 L523 2009) at the Fordham Westchester Library.


Get Articles & Studies

For clinical literature, see Databases/Articles at the top of the guide to find these articles.


To find studies, paste this string of terms into an additional search bar in the database you are using:

  • study OR research OR methodology OR subjects OR data OR results OR findings OR discussion OR conclusion

ERIC - Search On the EBSCOhost Platform

ERIC - Search on the .gov Website Platform

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Fordham University Libraries

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Fordham Westchester Library  ♦  Fordham Westchester Campus  ♦  914-367-3061   ♦   text 71-TXTX-1284 ♦ 
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