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COMC 2277: Media & Sexuality (Prof. Moorman): Finding Books + OneSearch

This guide is designed to support students in COMC 2277: Media & Sexuality taught by Dr. Jennifer Moorman.

Classic Library Catalog & OneSearch Tutorials

The Classic Library Catalog is the most efficient way to search for books that Fordham owns.

Watch the catalog video tutorial on YouTube and select this icon Full screen icon to expand the video to full screen mode.


OneSearch aggregates books Fordham owns plus some articles from databases. It also includes bibliographic records for content that Fordham does not own.

► Watch the OneSearch video tutorial on YouTube and select this icon Full screen icon to expand the video to full screen mode.

Additional OneSearch tips:

  • Use the options on the left panel to limit your OneSearch article results to Peer Reviewed and Academic Journals. Keep in mind that these limiters are unable to identify peer reviewed book chapters in edited volumes.
  • Not having any luck with OneSearch? Look to the right side of your screen and select the option to continue your search in All ProQuest databases:

Continue your search ProQuest options

Evaluating Books

Fordham Libraries offers access to scholarly books on single subjects and edited volumes where many scholars contribute chapters on a theme. This section shows how to help determine if a film, media, or performance studies book you want to use in your paper is peer reviewed:


decorative  Look for books published by university presses since they are peer reviewed:

Catalog record with university press circled


decorative  Commercial academic presses like Routledge/The Taylor & Francis GroupBloomsbury Academic, or Palgrave Macmillan also publish peer reviewed books:

Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group circles

If you are unsure about a book or its publisher, ask your professor for her opinion or contact the librarian assigned to this class to help evaluate.

Scanning Chapters & Interlibrary Loan

Reference & Instruction Department

Reference & Instruction Department
Fordham University Libraries

Walsh Library  ♦  Rose Hill Campus  ♦  718-817-3586   
Quinn Library  ♦  Lincoln Center Campus  ♦  212-636-6050   
Fordham Westchester Library  ♦  Fordham Westchester Campus  ♦  914-367-3061   ♦   text 71-TXTX-1284 ♦ 
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