- periodicals (articles,) see Section 10.1, (pp. 316-321 in the Publication Manual)
- ​group authors or parent agencies in websites, see Section 9.11 (p. 288)
- webpages/websites, see Section 10.16 (pp. 350-352)
- social media/online media, see Section 10.15 (pp. 348-350)
- newspaper or magazine articles, see Section 10.1, examples 15 & 16 (p. 320)
- books or reference works, see Section 10.2+ (pp. 321-329)
- government reports or reports from other organizations (gray literature), see Section 10.4 (pp. 329-331)
- data sets or software, see Section 10.9 (pp. 337-340)
- scales, tests, or inventories, see Section 10.11 (pp. 340-341)
- audiovisual media/YouTube/Kanopy, see Section 10.12 (pp. 342-347)
- PowerPoint slices or lecture notes, see Section 10.14 (p. 347)
- quotations, see Section 8.25 + (pp.270-278)
In addition, if you need to find . . . .
- database info for references, see Section 9.30 (pp. 296-297)
- more reference examples, see Chapter 10 (pp. 313+ )
- facts about DOIs or URLs, see Section 9.34 (pp. 298-301)
- title case or sentence case, see Section 6.17 (p. 167-168)