Hundreds of open access books covering a wide range of subjects. Look for the green icon for available content. NOTE: When using the search feature, check off the 3 limiters on the left: Subscribed; Free; Open Access.
A growing open portal of various digitized collections that draw on the nation’s living heritage from libraries, universities, archives, and museums. Includes items from the Government Printing Office's Catalog of Publications and the Medical Heritage Library research collection.
Electronic text editions of Evans Early American Imprints. Full text searchable. See Text Creation Partnership for more information.
Electronic text editions of Early English Books Online. Full text searchable. See Text Creation Partnership for more information.
Electronic text editions of Eighteenth Century Collections Online. Full text searchable. See Text Creation Partnership for more information.
An electronic archive of American poetry prior to 1920. Created by the University of Michigan.
Latin literary texts written before A.D. 200, as well as some texts selected from later antiquity.
Archive of rare books, manuscripts, and images,9th-20th centuries, at PENN Library's collections.
Luminos is University of California Press’s Open Access publishing program for monographs.
Hundreds of newspapers published from U.S. prisons combined into one collection that will represent penal institutions of all kinds, with special attention paid to women's-only institutions. On the JSTOR platform.
The NYS Historic Newspapers project provides free online access to a wide range of newspapers chosen to reflect New York's unique history. Created and administered by the Northern New York Library Network in partnership with the Empire State Library Network.
Growing list of Open Access journals from Brill. Look for the green icon for available content. NOTE: When using the search feature, check off the 3 limiters on the left: Subscribed; Free; Open Access.
Full-text access to thousands of peer-reviewed journals covering all topics.
NOTE: Some content may not be freely available.
Fully open access journals from IEEE spanning a wide range of technologies.
Taylor & Francis and Routledge currently publish a number of pure open access journals. The articles in these journals receive both rigorous peer review and expedited online publication.
Over fifty health, medicine and science Open Access titles. Make sure the Open Access filter remains selected. Chrome browser recommended.
Collabra is University of California Press's open access journal program. The Collabra program currently publishes Collabra: Psychology and Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, with plans for continued expansion and journal acquistion.
Wiley's fully open access journals are immediately freely available to read, download and share. The fully open access journals are published in collaboration with authoritative journals.
To access content, choose "Journal Information" under the relevant title.
Online archive of IMF publications, dating back to 1946. Content includes Books and Analytical Papers, Notes and Manuals, Official Reports, Documents, and Periodicals. Information such as statistical data, blogs, podcasts, videos, country information, and additional databases can be found from the IMF Sites button at the top right of any page.
Economic statistics for all countries compiled by the IMF. Thousands of time series on THE IFS Country Pages and World Tables. Also, International Financial Statistics, Balance of Payments, Direction of Trade, Government Finance Statistics, and more. CLICK ON MORE FOR REGISTRATION & LOGIN INFORMATION.
Explore collections of images and primary sources from libraries, museums, and archives around the world. Includes Fordham University collections. Includes most volumes of The Catholic Worker.
International library consortium with the sole mission of advancing open access to research in academic journals across the humanities disciplines. All academic articles are subject to rigorous peer review.
Reports from all over the world on population trends, health, and the environment.