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Voting & Elections Research: Home

This guide provides voter resources such as registration information, candidate guides, and more. There are also resources covering the history of voting and voting rights in the United States, and elections statistics and data.

Voting Resources Guide

This guide is designed to empower people to learn more about their rights as voters and provide resources for those seeking to register to vote, learn more about candidates, seek absentee ballots, and more. The guide also provides information on the history and current issues of voting in the United States.

Please reach out to us at the library with any questions or concerns about this guide or your research. Thank you for your interest and remember to vote!

Recent Books

Useful Databases


Be an Informed Voter!

2024 Election Dates & Locations:

Reference Librarian

Profile Photo
David Vassar
Lincoln Center Campus
Quinn Library
Room 201


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Peter Patten
Walsh Library Room 131
Rose Hill Campus
718 817 3588