Streaming video quality is affected by copyright restrictions, bandwidth capacity, Zoom/Google meeting settings, and personal computer configurations. Many problems have been reported with online synchronous in-class viewing.
Librarians recommend:
- Due to some video platforms having Simultaneous User limits and possible copyright restrictions, ask students to watch the piece in its entirety before the start of class. This avoids synchronous in-class viewing that may be problematic. During the class discussion, instructors can share short segments created using the streaming database tools.
- Please follow the browser recommendations in the database descriptions.
- Most streaming video platforms provide persistent links to share content with students via email, chat, or syllabi. Share using the database-provided link-generating tools, not by copying and pasting a URL from your browser's address bar.
- Best practice is not to embed links or code in Blackboard to avoid remote authentication issues. Rather, share the database-generated links via email, chat, or syllabi. Librarians cannot support help requests related to embedded Blackboard links.
Reference librarians & staff are available to assist with your planning process. Please email your subject liaisons for help as you prepare for your class.
For technical support with Zoom or Google Meet, please reach out to IT Customer Care at: 718-817-3999 OR OR the Tech Help tab in